Caraway cannot offer help without your support

Could you consider:

  • Making a one-off donation?
  • Setting up a regular donation?
  • Remembering us in your will?
Donate via CAF

We are currently looking to fund:

  • Our City Chaplain for Dementia in Southampton.
  • Caraway Courses for unpaid Carers of someone living with dementia.
  • Printing and postage of ‘Vintage Adventure @ Home’ – our spiritual resource for housebound individuals and those in Care Homes.
  • Development of our Caraway Memory Cafés, including starting new ones in more deprived areas of the city.

Can you help?

Donate via CAF as a one-off or for a direct debit and they will take care of the Gift Aid process.

Donate directly to our Lloyds bank account:

Sort code: 30-99-08
Account number: 23403660

Post a cheque payable to ‘Caraway’ to: Ros Simpson, 59 Brookvale Road, Southampton SO17 1QS.

Leave a Legacy – use the Contact Us form to talk to us more about this amazing form of giving.

£10 Could provide 4 Vintage Adventure packs to those who are lonely and housebound
£30 Could provide an exhausted carer with a kind, listening chaplain to process their thoughts and emotions with
£50 Could fund resources for two families to join our Course for Carers
£5 monthly Could enable two older people experiencing loneliness to receive Well-Being phonecalls
£20 monthly Could resource a Memory Cafe with Dementia friendly activities

"My Grandfather lived his life offering spiritual support to others. After a diagnosis of dementia, he decided to leave a legacy to contribute towards a Chaplain for Dementia in Southampton. Though no longer with us – it is so wonderful to see his life’s work is continuing through this gift."

Lucy, Granddaughter of Alan

Donate Via CAF