We have a fantastic team of volunteers and supporters and we would love for this to keep growing as our work expands. Here are some of the ways you can get involved and we would love to chat to you so please get in touch!


Caraway Volunteers

Working alongside Older People is hugely rewarding and uplifting. There is a great variety of volunteer roles at Caraway! Could you:

  • Serve refreshments at an event?
  • Chat to an Older Person on a Care Home visit?
  • Help an Anna Chaplain locate those who may be lonely?
  • Give the administration team a hand?


Care Home & Residential Support

Chaplaincy Services specifically for Care Home residents.  These acts of worship can be online or in person.

View Training Courses



The work of Caraway isn’t possible without being supported financially. We raise money and awareness through putting on fundraising events and by applying to grant giving bodies. Is this something you could help with?



Receive our newsletter

These are sent out no more than once a quarter and include a range of interesting articles and interviews covering the work Caraway is doing.

Subscribe Here


Make a donation

Caraway is a registered charity that greatly appreciates support from donations and legacies.

Donate Now


Pray with us

As a Christian organisation, prayer is central to our work.  We aim to spiritually resource our community of Older People across Southampton, no matter what their faith or background.

We would love you to join us for our city wide prayer gatherings or subscribe to our Prayer Bulletin.

Pray with Us

Support us to resource our older community.

Caraway is a registered charity (Charity Number 1177743).