Rooted and Grounded, a New Messy Vintage Group in Andover

The first messy vintage at St Paul’s Church, Andover, February 2020. Well done!

Report by Colin Parker

Well that’s it, it’s done! We have run Messy Vintage for the very first time. How did I feel before? Frankly? Very nervous! Would it
work? Would people come?  In the end it went really well.
Including the team, 17 people attended. Admittedly mostly church
members but also a few others.

What words describe the experience for me?
• Fun
• Relief
• Joy
• Cake

We met after to have lunch together and set up. To be honest, I think that we allowed more time for set up than we really needed but it was still good to spend time together before everyone arrived.
The craft
We made TREES! And very fine they were too. There were some unique interpretations of the tree theme that’s for sure.
The celebration
Reflecting on what it means to be rooted and grounded in God, we pondered how this means keeping in step with what
he is doing and not frittering away our lives on trivialities. And from this place of safety being a blessing and shelter to
others. There was a discussion about our memories of trees, which gave me the excuse to show a home movie of me as a baby!
The discussion ranged from stories of dens and adventures in orchards, the effects of pesticides to memories of living near
banana trees and being able to just reach up a grab one when they were hungry.
This was all intertwined with the singing of songs and the praying an almost accurate version of the Lord’s prayer!
The Tea!
The afternoon tea I think speaks for itself. Sandwiches and home made cake and scones with cream
all served with Yorkshire tea. We scoured the local charity shops as well as our own lofts to bring
together an eclectic collection of china cups and plates. It is definitely the case that tea tastes better
in a china cup!

by Colin Parker.

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